Editorial Office of "Superhard Materials" journal


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Address: st. Avtozavodskaya, 2, Kiev, Ukraine, 04074


Kolodnitsky Vasyl Nikolaevich - Executive Secretary, Senior Researcher, PhD in Physics and Mathematics.

Zakharchuk Anna Petrovna is an editor, a leading engineer.

Frolova Liudmyla Alexandrovna - specialist in layout and design, leading engineer.

The scientific and theoretical journal "Super-Hard Materials" was founded in July 1979. The founders are the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the Institute of Superhard Materials named after. VM Bakul There are six numbers per year. Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English.

Publishes theoretical and experimental studies of the structure and properties of mono- and polycrystals of synthetic diamond and cubic boron nitride, refractory compounds, high-density ceramics and hard alloys, and their application in instrumental production.

Magazine "Superhard materials" is published in English under the name «Journal of Superhard Materials» by Allerton Press Inc. Inc. (http://www.allertonpress.com/journals/shm.htm) in the United States, and presented on-line in the Springerlink electronic science information base (http://www.springer.com/chemistry/physical+chemistry/journal/11961).


Magazine "Journal of Superhard Materials" is included in the Thomson Reuters information products - since the volume of 30 (1) 2008, the publication is indexed to the following databases:

  • Science Citation Index Expanded (also known as также как SciSearch@)
  • Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition@
  • Material Science Citation Index@

The introduction of the Journal of Superhard Materials in Thomson Reuters electronic databases and Academic OneFile, ChemWeb, Expanded Academic, Google Scholar, INSPEC, OCLC, SCOPUS, and Summon by Serial Solutions has become a world-renowned academic the community of its high scientific level, adherence to world publishing standards, terminology and high quality of presentation of the material. This fact became a confirmation of the successful multi-year activity of the staff of the Institute of Superhard Materials named after. VM Bakul NAS of Ukraine, Director and Editor-in-Chief of Academician MV Novikov, members of the editorial board, editorial staff and editors-translators.

According to «Journal Citation Report, Thomson Reuters» (http://www.springer.com/chemistry/physical+chemistry/journal/11961) the "Superhard Materials" magazine for 2011 received an impact factor of 0.785.

The editors of the magazine are grateful to all authors, reviewers and editors for their tremendous work and personal contribution to the development of the magazine and to achieve great success.