Founders: National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; Institute of Superhard Materials VM Bakul Founded in July 1979, the Certificate of State Registration - KV # 190 dated 09.11.1993. Circulation 200 copies Frequency - 6 issues per year. Languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English. Format 70´108/16.
Thematic topics:theoretical and experimental studies of the structure and properties of mono- and polycrystals of synthetic diamond and cubic boron nitride, refractory compounds, high-density ceramics and hard alloys, their application in instrumental production.
The journal presents modern results of fundamental and applied research relating to the production, properties, and use of superhard materials. It publishes the results of a fundamental study of physico-chemical processes of formation and growth of single-component, polycrystalline and disperse substances, diamond and diamond-like films; development of methods of direct and directed controlled synthesis of superhard materials and methods of static, explosive and epitaxial synthesis of these materials. On the pages of the magazine the following priority developments are discussed at the Institute for Superhard Materials named after. VM Bakula: large monocrystals of synthetic diamonds; small crushing of the elite and micron powders of synthetic diamonds and elbora; polycrystalline and composite superconducting materials based on diamond and elbora; diamond and carbide cutters for high-performance metal processing, drilling, stones processing, coal mining and geological exploration; ceramics; polishing paste for high-precision optics; ultrasonic turning processing and polishing; technologies of precision machining of metals, glass and ceramics. Articles cover all fundamental and technological aspects of synthesis, characterization, study of the properties of these materials, techniques and fields of application of these materials.
Categories of the magazine:
● Obtaining, structure and quality
● Tool, powders, paste
● Investigation of processing processes
● Letters to the editor
Magazine "Superhard materials" is published in English under the name «Journal of Superhard Materials» by Allerton Press Inc. Inc. ( in the United States, and presented on-line in the Springerlink electronic science information base (
Referrals to the journal "Superhard materials": Abstracts of scientific information of the Ukrainian abstract journal "Dzherelo", National Library of Ukraine. VI Vernadsky "Ukrainka Scientific" Україніка наукова» (,the All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of the Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI).
Referrals to the journal «Journal of Superhard Materials»: electronic databases Thomson Reuters (Science Citation Index Expanded, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition@, Material Science Citation Index@) and Academic Information Bases Academic OneFile, ChemWeb, Expanded Academic, Google Scholar, INSPEC, OCLC, SCOPUS, Summon by Serial Solutions.