The International Magazine "Superhard Materials" publishes reviews, original articles and chronicles on obtaining, studying properties and the use of superhard materials. Articles are published in one of three languages: Ukrainian, Russian or English.
I. Contents of the articles
1. Each article must be provided with the Universal Decimal Classifier (UDC), key words (no more than six seven terms), and annotation in Ukrainian, Russian and English in a volume not exceeding 500 characters, taking into account spaces. Article must be signed by all authors; The list of authors should be accompanied by an indication of their academic titles and the exact name of the place of work (organization name, city, country), telephone and e-mail address. Manuscripts are provided in duplicate.
2. The structure of the article should correspond to the following order of presentation:
- urgency of the problem;
- the state of the question;
- The aim of the study;
- the justification of the application and description of the method chosen by the author;
- presentation of results;
- conclusions;
- literature.
3. Authors are obliged to strictly adhere to the norms of the literary language of publication and to avoid the use of illegally accepted terms and concepts.
4. The text of the article should clarify all encountered characters, except for commonly used ones. The notation used in the formulas should be given a description directly after the formula in which they occur for the first time in this article, except when they are described If in the indexes of variables or expressions, abbreviations are used, their content should be explained in the text, or they should be clear, for example, Tpl is the melting point.
5. The literature reproduced at the end of the publication should be in the order of its first mention in the text of the article, and be executed according to the following templates:
Single-volume publications
[Authors] [Name]. - [City]: [Publishing House], [Year]. - [Total number of pages] p.
Volumes (editions) of multivolume editions
[Authors] [Title]: In [Total Volumes] t. - [City]: [Publishing], [Year]. - T. [No.]. - [Total number of pages] p.
Abstracts, reports, etc. materials of conferences
[Contributors] [Title of the report] // [Conference title], [City of conducting], [Date of conducting]: Sat. reports - [The city in which the collection was published]: [Publishing house], [Date of publication]. - [Tom or part]. - P. [Page Range].
Articles from periodicals
[Contributors] [Article title] // [Title of the publication]. - [Year]. - [Volume], No. [Number]. - P. [Page Range].
Articles from collections
[Authors] [Article title] // [Title of the assembly]. - [City]: [Publishing House], [Year]. - P. [Page Range].
Patent documents
Stalemate. 35809 Ukraine, IPC C 30 B 29/04, C 30 B 31/00. Method of synthesis of superconducting diamonds / O. O. Shulzhenko, O. M. Sokolov, O. G. Gontar. - Received 03/04/2008; Pubwished 10.10.2008, Bul. No. 19
Pat 3906082 USA, IC C 01 B 031/06. Method of making diamonds synthetically / A. A. Shulzhenko, A. F. Getman. - Publ 16.09.75.
Note. The description of the patent documents must be presented in the original language.
II. Making articles
Articles should be prepared in the format of the text editor of MS Word not lower than versions 6.0 (Word 97) and above. The text of the article should be typed in Times New Roman font, and Greek and mathematical symbols should be in the Symbol font (12 pt through 1.5 intervals). Latin characters must be in italics, Greek and Cyrillic - in plain text, vectors - bold (regardless of the alphabet).
Illustrations to articles, depending on their content, should be represented by separate graphic files in the following form:
- Half-tone illustrations (photographs, radiographs, portraits, etc.) must be presented in originals, or scanned and submitted electronically in the form of image files * .BMP, * .PCX, * .JPG, * .GIF. Bitmap illustrations should be 600 dpi. Grayscale and Color illustrations should be 300 dpi. If the quality reduction results in the loss of the elements of the illustration, it is allowed to set the required quality value, but not more than 600 dpi. The image should have a size label.
- Dashboards (graphs, drawings, diagrams, diagrams) - must be executed with MS EXCEL and Origin, as well as MS WORD. Drawings can also be presented in the form of image files * .WMF or * .CDR formats. The use of spot colors in vector graphics programs is prohibited.
It is not allowed to insert a picture made by any editor into a document using the Copy-Paste command. The inscriptions on the drawings should, where possible, be replaced by numbers and letters, letters in the signatures of the drawing or in the text, they must be clearly separated from the graphic elements of the drawing. The graphs should not apply a coordinate grid, only the division of the scales (except for cases when the grid is needed to increase the informativity.) Figures on the axes of coordinates should be directed inside.
Tables are printed on separate pages and must have a heading. Thematic header to the table should