Provisions on the Ethics of Scientific Publications in the Scientific-Theoretical Journal "Superhard Materials"

The editorial board of the scientific journal Superhard Materials in its work is guided by the international ethical rules of scientific publications, which include rules of honesty, confidentiality, supervision of publications, accounting for possible conflicts of interest, etc. In particular, the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics and the Publishing Ethics Resource Kit of Elsevier, as well as the experience of reputable international publishers. Adherence to the rules of ethics of scientific publications by all participants of the publishing process helps to secure the rights of authors to intellectual property, to improve the quality of the publication and to prevent the possibility of misuse of copyrighted materials in the interests of individuals.
In turn, the editorial board of the journal encourages and encourages authors to adhere to the proper level of formal and ethical requirements for the preparation and publication of articles submitted to the editorial board.

1. Ethical obligations of authors
The authors are personally responsible for the text of the manuscript submitted to the editorial board and adhere to the following principles:
1.1. Provide reliable research results. Deliberately false or falsified statements are equated with unethical behavior and considered inadmissible.
1.2. Ensure that the results of the study outlined in the manuscript are independent and original work. When using fragments of someone else's work and / or borrowing the claims of other authors, the article should be properly framed with appropriate bibliographic references, with the obligatory indication of the author and source. Cite those publications that have influenced the nature of the work. Excessive borrowing, as well as plagiarism in any form, including unqualified quotations, paraphrases or assignment of the rights to the results of other people's research are unethical and unacceptable. In the event that these facts are discovered, the authors of the materials provided are responsible. Articles that are a compilation of material published by other authors are not accepted by the editors of the journal without their creative revision and copyright.
1.3. To be aware that the author (s) bear primary responsibility for the novelty and reliability of the results of the scientific research.
1.4. Ensure that the list of co-authors is correct. The author who submits the manuscript to a publication is responsible for ensuring that the list of contributors includes only those persons who have made a significant intellectual contribution to its concept, structure, as well as to the conduct or interpretation of the results of the submitted work, and assumes responsibility for the consent other authors of the article for its publication in the journal. Other individuals (or organizations) who have participated in some aspects of the work should be grateful. The author should also ensure that all co-authors are familiar with the final version of the article, approve it and agree with its submission for publication. All authors mentioned in the article should be publicly responsible for the content of the article. If the article is a multidisciplinary work, the co-authors are responsible for each individual contribution, leaving collective responsibility for the overall result. It is inadmissible to indicate individuals who did not participate in the research.
1.5. To recognize the contribution of all persons who in one way or another influenced the course of the research or determined the nature of the submitted scientific work. In particular, the article should refer to bibliographic references to publications that were of some value when conducting the research. Information obtained privately through conversation, correspondence and discussion with third parties should not be used without open written permission from the representative of its source. All sources must be open. Even if written or illustrated material is used by large numbers of people, permission must be obtained and submitted to the editorial board.
1.6. Authors should inform the editorial board of any potential conflict of interest that may be affected by the publication of the results contained in this manuscript. All potential conflicts of interest should be identified as early as possible.
1.7. Only submit original manuscript to journal. Do not submit an article that has been submitted to another journal and is currently under review, as well as an article previously published in another journal. Failure to comply with this principle is regarded as a gross violation of the ethics of publications and gives grounds for withdrawing a review article. If elements of a manuscript were previously published in another article, the authors are obliged to refer to their earlier work and indicate what is the difference between the new work and the previous one. Verbatim copying of their own works and their rephrasing are unacceptable, they can only be used as a basis for new conclusions.

1.8. The author should clearly indicate in his or her work the situation when the studies are related to chemicals, physicochemical processes or equipment that are at risk to human or animal health. Where research involves the use of animals or humans as subjects, the author must ensure that all procedures have been carried out in accordance with the relevant laws and institutional principles, as well as approved by the relevant government agencies. The article submitted should include a statement and confirmation from the appropriate authorities of consent to the experiments with humans. The human rights involved in the experiment should always be respected.
1.9. Indicate in your manuscripts all sources of financial support for the project, information about the employer, patent applications / registrations, grants and other types of funding.
1.10. If the article is returned for revision, the author is obliged to revise it according to the comments of the reviewers or editorial board, otherwise the editorial board has the right to reject the article.

2. Ethical principles in the activities of reviewers
The editorial board, for the purpose of improving the quality of scientific articles published in the journal, appoints anonymous authors and reviewers. All members of the Editorial Board are reviewers.
The reviewer carries out scientific examination of the copyrighted materials in order to objectively evaluate the quality of the submitted article and to determine its level of compliance with high scientific, literary and ethical standards. When evaluating an article, the reviewer should be impartial and follow the following principles:
2.1. Expert evaluation should help the author improve the quality of the text of the article, and the editor-in-chief should decide on the publication.
2.2. A reviewer who does not consider himself an expert in the field of the subject matter or knows that he will not be able to submit a review of the article in a timely manner, should notify the editor in chief and refuse to review.
2.3. The reviewer may not be the author or co-author of the submitted review paper. This also applies to the scientific supervisors of the degree holders and / or employees of the department in which the author works.
2.4. Any manuscript received by an expert from the editorial board for review is a confidential document. It cannot be discussed with anyone other than these.
2.5. The reviewer should be objective. It is inadmissible to make personal comments in the review to the author. The reviewer must substantiate and reasonably support his or her own conclusions.
2.6. The reviewer should identify published articles that are relevant to the peer-reviewed article and are not cited by the author. Any assertion in a review that some observations, conclusion, or argument from a peer-reviewed article have already been encountered in the literature should be accompanied by an accurate bibliographical reference to the source of the information. The reviewer should also pay attention to the editor-in-chief for a significant similarity or partial coincidence of the peer-reviewed article with any other previously published article.
2.7. If a reviewer suspects plagiarism, authorship, or falsification of data, he or she should contact the editorial board with a proposal to collectively review the author's article.
2.8. The reviewer should give an objective conclusion on the sufficiency of citation of articles already published in the literature on the subject.
2.9. A reviewer should not use information and ideas from a review article for personal gain, while respecting the principle of confidentiality.
2.10. The reviewer should not accept the review of the manuscript in the presence of a conflict of interest caused by competition, collaboration or other relations with any authors or organizations associated with the article.
2.11. The reviewer must provide a timely response to the manuscript.

3. Principles of professional ethics in the journal editorial board
The members of the editorial board and the editorial board are responsible for the publication of the submitted manuscript, following the following fundamental principles:
3.1.All materials submitted for publication are subject to careful selection and anonymous peer review by the Editorial Board.
3.2. The editorial board, with justification of its decision, reserves the right to reject the article or return it to the author (authors) for revision.
3.3. When deciding to publish, the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal is guided by the accuracy of the submitted data and the scientific significance of the work under consideration.
3.4. The editor-in-chief should not have any interest in the articles he rejects or accepts.
3.5. The editor-in-chief of the journal is responsible for deciding which of the submitted articles will be accepted for publication and which ones will be rejected. In doing so, it guides the journal's policy and adheres to legal principles, preventing copyright infringement and plagiarism.


3.6. Redaktsiyna kolehiya obʺyektyvno i neuperedzheno roz·hlyadaye vsi rukopysy, yaki predstavleni do publikatsiyi, otsinyuyuchy kozhnu stattyu vyklyuchno za yiyi naukovym zmistom, bezvidnosno do rasovoyi prynalezhnosti avtoriv, stati, seksualʹnoyi oriyentatsiyi, relihiynykh perekonanʹ, natsionalʹnosti, hromadyanstva, pokhodzhennya, sotsialʹnoho stanu abo politychnykh pohlyadiv. 3.7. Holovnyy redaktor, chleny redaktsiynoyi kolehiyi i spivrobitnyky redaktsiyi zhurnalu ne povynni povidomlyaty informatsiyu pro predstavlenu v zhurnal stattyu nikomu, krim avtora(iv), pryznachenykh ta potentsiynykh retsenzentiv, inshykh spivrobitnykiv redaktsiyi ta (za neobkhidnosti) vydavtsya. 3.8. Neopublikovani dani, otrymani z predstavlenykh do roz·hlyadu rukopysiv, ne povynni vykorystovuvatysya holovnym redaktorom, chlenamy redaktsiynoyi kolehiyi chy spivrobitnykamy redaktsiyi dlya osobystykh tsiley abo peredavatysya tretim osobam (bez pysʹmovoyi z·hody). 3.9. Holovnyy redaktor ne povynen dopuskaty do publikatsiyi predstavlenu stattyu, yakshcho ye dostatnʹo pidstav vvazhaty, shcho vona ye plahiatom. 3.10. Stattya, v razi pryynyattya yiyi do opublikuvannya, rozmishchuyetʹsya u vidkrytomu dostupi, avtorsʹki prava zberihayutʹsya za avtoramy. 3.11. Vidpovidno do mizhnarodnoho zakonodavstva v chastyni dotrymannya avtorsʹkoho prava na elektronni informatsiyni resursy, materialy saytu, elektronnoho zhurnalu abo proektu ne mozhutʹ buty vidtvoreni povnistyu abo chastkovo v budʹ-yakiy formi (elektronnoyu abo drukarsʹkoyu) bez poperednʹoyi pysʹmovoyi z·hody redaktsiyi zhurnalu. Pry vykorystanni opublikovanykh materialiv u konteksti inshykh dokumentiv potribne posylannya na pershodzherelo. 3.12. Holovnyy redaktor ta spivrobitnyky redaktsiyi zhurnalu povynni zabezpechuvaty konfidentsiynistʹ imen ta inshoyi informatsiyi, shcho stosuyetʹsya retsenzentiv. 4. Pryntsypy profesiynoyi etyky v diyalʹnosti vydavtsya Vydavetsʹ nese vidpovidalʹnistʹ za oprylyudnennya avtorsʹkykh robit, dotrymuyuchysʹ takykh osnovopolozhnykh pryntsypiv i protsedur: 4.1. Spryyaty vykonannyu etychnykh obovʺyazkiv redaktsiyeyu, redaktsiyno-vydavnychoyu hrupoyu, redaktsiynoyu kolehiyeyu, retsenzentamy i avtoramy vidpovidno do danykh vymoh. 4.2. Nadavaty pidtrymku redaktsiyi zhurnalu u roz·hlyadi pretenziy do etychnykh aspektiv publikovanykh materialiv i dopomahaty vzayemodiyaty z inshymy zhurnalamy ta/abo vydavtsyamy, yakshcho tse spryyaye vykonannyu obovʺyazkiv redaktoriv. 4.3. Dotrymuvatysya polozhennya, shcho diyalʹnistʹ zhurnalu ne ye komertsiynym proektom i ne maye na meti oderzhannya prybutku. 4.4. Spryyaty protsesu opublikuvannya vypravlenʹ, rozʺyasnenʹ, sprostuvanʹ i vybachenʹ, koly tse neobkhidno. 4.5. Buty zavzhdy hotovym opublikuvaty vypravlennya, roz'yasnennya, sprostuvannya i vybachennya, koly tse neobkhidno. 4.64.. Nadavaty redaktsiyi zhurnalu mozhlyvistʹ vidklykaty publikatsiyi, yaki mistyatʹ plahiat i nedostovirni dani. Polozhennya pro etyku naukovykh publikatsiy zatverdzheno holovnym redaktorom zhurnalu "Nadtverdi materialy " akademikom NAN Ukrayiny V.Z. Turkevychem ?? veresnya 2019 r.

3.6. The editorial board objectively and impartially reviews all manuscripts submitted for publication, evaluating each article solely for its scientific content, regardless of the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, nationality, citizenship, origin, social status or political background .
3.7. The Editor-in-Chief, the members of the editorial board and the editorial staff of the journal should not disclose information about the article submitted to the journal to anyone other than the author (s), nominated and potential reviewers, other editorial staff and (if necessary) the publisher.
3.8. Unpublished data obtained from submitted manuscripts should not be used by the editor-in-chief, members of the editorial board or editorial staff for personal purposes or transmitted to third parties (without written consent).
3.9. The editor-in-chief should not allow the article submitted to be published if there is sufficient reason to believe that it is plagiarism.
3.10. The article, when accepted for publication, is publicly available and the copyright is reserved for the authors.
3.11. In accordance with international law, in respect of copyright to electronic information resources, materials of the site, electronic journal or project may not be reproduced in full or in part in any form (electronic or printed) without the prior written consent of the editorial staff. When using published material in the context of other documents, a reference to the source is required.
3.12. The editor-in-chief and the editorial staff should keep the names and other information relevant to the reviewers confidential.

4. Principles of professional ethics in the activity of the publisher
The publisher is responsible for publishing the copyrighted work, following the following fundamental principles and procedures:
4.1. Promote ethical duties by editorial staff, editorial team, editorial board, reviewers and authors as required.
4.2. To support the editorial staff in reviewing the ethical claims of published material and to assist with other journals and / or publishers, as long as it contributes to the duties of editors.
4.3. Observe that the magazine's activities are not a commercial project and are not intended to generate profit.
4.4. Assist in the process of posting corrections, clarifications, denials and apologies when needed.
4.5. Always be prepared to publish corrections, clarifications, denials and apologies when necessary.
4.6. Provide journal editorials with the ability to revoke publications that contain plagiarism and inaccurate data.

The regulations on the ethics of scientific publications were approved by the editor-in-chief of the journal "Superhard Materials" by Academician of the NAS of Ukraine V.Z. Turkevich  September 2019